If you live in New York and you like to eat out, you will inevitably spend a lot of time hanging out outside restaurants with a whole bunch of other people who agree with you that an hour, an hour and a half is not too long to wait for a pizza. Continue reading
This Dinner Will Get You Laid – Pizza with vodka sauce, and the upside of waiting for a table
The Wednesday Treat – Tom Collins, and a side of cupcakes
Is there any way to eat a cupcake outside the context of a birthday party without feeling just a little bit Sex and the City? Continue reading
The Monday Treat – mood music, Pineapple, Coconut and Lime-Glazed Loaf Cake
Jon’s iPod shuffle, which has a flair for spontaneously coming up with the perfect life soundtrack, triumphed again this week. He emerged from the subway uptown to meet me grinning all over his face; “I really did take the A train, and it really was the quickest way to Harlem!†Continue reading
This Dinner Will Get You Laid – Vanilla roast chicken, and living on a movie set
Living in New York can feel like living on a movie set – and not just because there are movies shooting all over town. A friend of mine who works at The Whitney watches a crew move in every night and transform the place with lights and fake walls into a more movie-esque version of the Whitney, complete with fake modern art, hung over the actual modern art, because apparently it looks more like modern art than the modern art does. Continue reading
The Wednesday Tipple – Frozen Mint Juleps and The Lucky Day
My Mum and Dad were visiting New York, and we took a side trip out of the city to see what we could see and have lunch. What I saw was a four leaf clover, right in the middle of a grass verge by the sidewalk. Continue reading
The Monday Treat – Space Kids Hit Manhattan fueled by Blueberry Pancakes
A friend of mine had been to Space Camp as a child and had described the experience as “absolutely no question the best week of my life, made up of the best days of my life!†Continue reading
This Dinner Will Get You Laid – One of the greatest things I ever overheard in a restaurant, and lamb with herb pesto
Tables in New York restaurants are often crammed close together, so even though you might be having a romantic evening with your husband you can still listen with ease into the conversations to your right and left as though you were all on one big date. Continue reading
The Wednesday Tipple – Ginger Fizz and diversification
Diversification is the new buzzword of our economic times. Several of my friends now run Etsy shops, stringing beads onto lengths of cut up t-shirts, designing wedding invitations or cross-stitching obscenities by night while PRing, publishing and producing commercials by day. Continue reading
The Monday Treat – Vanilla Almond Cake to keep spirits up
“Good morning!!†beamed the guy behind the counter at Pain Quotidian, as I struggled to summon the words from my sleeping brain to convey that I needed a lot of coffee. “Are you having a great day?!†Continue reading
This Dinner Will Get You Laid – Adobo Pork Fillet and recognition on the subway
Returning from a choir rehearsal on the subway late last night I discovered quite by chance an amazing fact; my husband is a bit of a celebrity.