Tag Archives: party
The Wednesday Tipple – JD and Ginger (which is currently Very Cool Indeed) and Grilled Brie
I’ve been to a marvelous party. It was in honor of Cash Money Content, held at a glamorous yet still edgy Chelsea gallery, and I was there primarily to help my friend Molly hand out books at the book table. If you’ve … Continue reading
The Wednesday Tipple – Blue Pina Coladas and Mango Wonton Bites
The weather in New York is hardly the semi tropical heat wave of last year, where my family celebrated my sister’s birthday at an out-door table in Pastis and walked along the Highline in our sandals. Nevertheless, circumstances have conspired … Continue reading
The Wednesday Tipple – Planning a cocktail party – salmon canapés and a gin martini
The Oscars are approaching, which is a great excuse to throw a formal get out the best glasses cocktail party. I love to get dressed up, buy in vats of ice, and prink about in the kitchen with some canapé … Continue reading
5 Sweet Halloween treats including Oozing Pus Chocolate Cup Cakes and Worms in Dirt.
Oozing-Pus Chocolate Cup Cakes (makes 6 – 8 portions) These are molten white chocolate truffle cup cakes by any other name, and the warm white chocolate really does ooze pus-like from the centre when they are cut open – the … Continue reading