Monthly Archives: November 2013
Butternut Squash Apple Soup and Thanksgiving Balloons
It’s become an absolute Thanksgiving tradition that the night before the parade Jon and I head to the Natural History Museum to see the giant balloons tethered down under nets, ready and waiting to fly.
Corn Muffins for Thanksgiving
Much has been written about the Thanksgiving meal, which easily piled up to feel overwhelming and daunting, but really doesn’t need to. Butter and season a bird. Put it in the oven on a bed of onions. After an hour … Continue reading
“Latkes” – both food and cultural tourism
Last year, Jon and I decided that we would head over to Williamsburg to experience the traditions of Hanukkah in their natural setting. Cultural tourists to the core, we had a list of restaurants in hand, each one specializing in … Continue reading
Carrot Cake
So I’d heard that the Merchant’s House Museum did candle lit tours, and I persuaded Katherine and Duncan to come with us and meet my sister, over from London for the weekend. Jon navigated the website and got the not-as-cheap-as-you’d-ideally-like … Continue reading