Monthly Archives: March 2013
An Easter Bunny Story and Roast Chicken with lemon herb butter
When my sister was little she had a pet rabbit. It was probably the best rabbit in the entire world, we thought. For example, it once peed on an ex boyfriend of mine.
Easter Egg Nests
This is the essential Easter recipe, as far as I’m concerned.
Tea Loaf, and a thoroughly British Holiday
I recently spent a week at home in the UK. And, much to the delight of my Downton Abbey bereft American friends, my trip was a catalogue of quintessentially British cliche.
Roasted Cabbage for St Patrick’s Day
It’s St Patrick’s Day – a whole weekend of Irish and green-themed revelry in NYC.
Picnic Eating – Spanish Omelette with Potato Chips and Peach Sangria
Ok, so this doesn’t sound in the least bit authentic, I know, and I really was a skeptic when my Spanish friend Monica told me that she and her mother and her grandmother all make tortilla with potato chips – … Continue reading
Adventures and limoncello
It’s the end of an era. John and Demitri have both left Manhattan. One to travel the world for 6 months on an epic and brave adventure. The other to work in Ohio.
Spring, Lemon Linguini and Robot Armageddon
Officially, today is Spring. Think sunshine, think optimism, think cute baby animals, green shoots of promise and hope. Jon, however, had other things on his mind.